Reactions: User Defined Sorts & Finds
- Two chemicals must be entered to search for a reaction. When both fields are filled the set of reactions involving both entities is shown, as reactants OR products.
- Enter chemical names such as Sulfuric acid, Ammonia, Chlorine or Sulfate ion, or a chemical formula: H2SO4, H2O or NH3.
- For molecular ions use a square bracket format: [NH4]+, [N3]- or [SO4]2-.
- The default broad search finds the contained text string and is not case sensitive.
- A narrow search finds the exact string and is case sensitive: Co & CO are distinguished, Water is found but water is not.
- We would advise: first use broad searchs to find a chemical entity name or formula, then refine with a narrow search with the broad search off.
- Try using the narrow search and pairs of common entities such as: Sodium, Hydrogen, Water, Chlorine, NH3, SO2, PCl3, CH4, etc.
© Mark R. Leach 1999 –
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Bug, typo or grammatical error reports about this page,please contact Mark R. Leach, the author, using mark@meta-synthesis.com