Chemical Entity Data Page

sec Alkyl sulfonate
Detergent, WAS
Sodium secondary alkane sulfonate
Wash active alkylsulfonate detergent
C 16%, H 33%, Na 1%, O 3%, S 1%,

estimated elemental composition and empirical formula weight 
Real, long lived, electronically neutral reagent chemical.

Gram formula weight (molecular mass) = 328.48
Solubility in organics = soluble

Wash active alkylsulfonates are used as household detergents: washing-up liquid.
Wikipedia Page:

sec Alkyl sulfonate
is defined with respect to the entities below:
The entities below are defined with respect to:
sec Alkyl sulfonate
2° Alkyl-Nfg complex (generic)

Molecular ionic material (generic)

Sulphonic acid (generic)

Type 7 Lewis acid/base complex (generic)

© Mark R. Leach 1999 –

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