Chemical Entity Data Page

Borderline Lewis acid (generic)
Pearson borderline Lewis acid (generic)
  Special class of generic used to represent "generic chemical reactivity behaviour" rather than structure.

Wikipedia Page:

Borderline Lewis acid (generic)
is defined with respect to the entities below:
The entities below are defined with respect to:
Borderline Lewis acid (generic)
Antimony(III) ion

Bismuth ion

Carbenium ion, trialkyl (generic)

Cobalt(II) ion

Copper(II) ion

Iridium(III) Ion

Iron(II) ion

Lead(II) ion

Nickel(II) ion

Phenyl cation

Ruthenium(II) ion

Sulfur dioxide

Tin(II) ion


Zinc ion

© Mark R. Leach 1999 –

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